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Andrew Hacon

Entry Fee:


Nominations Close:

6 June 2025

Entries To Be Delivered By:

13 June 2025
All cattle must be delivered to Cloncurry Showground for weighing and mouthing between 8:00am - 12:00pm Friday 14th June 2024.
Collection of Items : Items can be collected Saturday evening from 6pm and Sunday morning 8 to 10am. Outside of these times prior arrangement must be made with the section Stewarts
  1. Prime cattle must be dehorned, and pasture or crop fed. Grain fed cattle are ineligible. Herd cattle to be suitably tipped.

  2. All cattle must be delivered to Cloncurry Showground for weighing and mouthing between 8:00am - 12:00pm Friday 13th June 2025.

  3. Penalty points will be incurred for overweight cattle. In restricted classes, entries exceeding 25 kg overweight will become ineligible for that class and may be reclassified.

  4. An exhibit may be reclassified to a suitable class, at the Stewards discretion.

  5. All stock must undergo health tests to comply with individual property status, and to be free of cattle ticks.

  6. Ribbons and certificates will be awarded for first, second and third places. Any errors or omissions will be corrected at the discretion of the stewards.

  7. Late entries will not be accepted.

  8. Champion pen of cattle can be selected from any section within the Cattle Section of the Cloncurry & District Show.

  9. Feeding and watering of all cattle exhibits are the responsibility of the exhibitor until conclusion of the show.

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