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Stephanie Coffey

Entry Fee:


Nominations Close:

12 June 2025

Entries To Be Delivered By:

13 June 2025
Local Exhibits to be penned by 6:00pm Thursday 13th June
Collection of Items : Items can be collected Saturday evening from 6pm and Sunday morning 8 to 10am. Outside of these times prior arrangement must be made with the section Stewarts
  1.  Classes will be made if 3 or more birds of same class are entered

  2. If not more than 3 entries in the class, they will be judged as AOV..

  3. Judging will take place 8am Friday 13th June 2024.

  4. Cage Birds to be penned in suitable show quality cages with water dishes supplied by exhibitor

  5. Junior Class - one entry per child.

  6. No sick or diseased birds will be allowed. Any bird may be rejected at the discretion of the Chief Steward.

  7. No birds shall be handled without permission of the Chief Steward.

  8. Cockerels and Pullets must be under 12 months old at the time of showing.

  9. Area may be closed to the public and exhibitors while judging is in progress.

  10. In any breed class, if there are three or more of any breed a separate class will be provided for them.

  11. Birds may be collected 5:30-6:00 pm Saturday 14th June 2025 or at the discretion of the Chief Steward or alternatively the next morning between 6:30am and 7:30 am, please discuss with Chief Steward.

  12. All birds will be fed and watered.

  13. Whilst every care is taken, the Cloncurry & District Show Society Inc. accepts no responsibility for loss, damage to or miss delivery of exhibits.

  14. All Australian Native Species must be held in accordance with the Department of Environment and Heritage regulations.

  15. Definitions of classes provided: C-Cock CKL-Cockerel H-Hen PLT-Pullet OK-Old Duck YK-Young Duck OD-Old Drake YD-Young Drake A.O.C- Any other Colour A.O.V - Any other Variety

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